sobota 31. januára 2009

UNIT 4 Finance

Exercise 1

Find the terms in the text which mean following.

endeavors to try very hard
adjustment(s) a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation
assets the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts in assets
attain(ing) to reach a particular level, age, size etc
share shares in companies, especially ordinary shares; the business of trading shares
expense(s) money that a business spends on supplies, workers, services, etc. in order to operate
insight a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea
cash the amount of money that a company or a person owes
lists to write a list, or mention things one after the other
retained earnings the part of the profit made by a company after tax has been paid that is invested in the company rather than being paid to shareholders as dividends

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